Hopeful Spirit

Hopeful Spirit

Joined Jan 2020 1 Following0 Followers
About Hopeful Spirit

H e l l o  E v e r y o n e~

~Sometimes I  wish...I could ever just not be human...

 That I could be anything but a human...

~Sometimes I wonder, what it'd be like to be a bird soaring free in the skies...I wonder what it's like to have adventures, fight pirates, to love and be loved, to care and be cared for, to speak and be heard, to listen and be addressed, To go beyond the horizon.. I wonder what it's  like..

~Sometimes I wonder if I'm really alive...

The Hopeful Spirit here, but please, Call me Hope!  I'm proud to tell you that I am a citizen of planet Earth, Scribe to Camp Halfblood, Speaker of the Wizards, Hufflepuff, Listener of Strange tales, Insider in Sherlock's Network and so much more... 
but truth is all those people are the different 'me's in  my head...
Outside I'm just a plain old, Ice- cream lover and a very- berry ( I love berries) awkward and shy person, who lives a very boring and mundane life..
 Oh and I also just love Anime and Kittens and Kindness.
 I know..I'm being really random here...
Anyways .... I'm a girl from India who aspires to change the world~ 
Don't know how I'd do that though.
I'm also an aspiring writer and maybe voice actress? Cause I really do love acting! Totally~
Cause in this mundane and boring life of mine, my only true happiness comes from reading and creating, and being someone else for a change..
Don't know how I feel about that..
Anyhow, Heads up bout my voice range: My voice is pretty high pitched, but I can also manage a medium, absolutely terrible at going lower than that though. Children and Teens are what I'm best at. 
And I promise to try not to disappoint you~

Thank you~
Hope's out~