

Joined May 2018 5 Following0 Followers
About hobbescaltous


I've been a professional musician my entire adult life, after having served in the US Army, driving tanks. I love dramatic acting, and have appeared on stage in works such as A Few Good Men, and Anything Goes. Over the years I have made a living in music, singing and touring in heavy metal bands such as 9mm Solution and Candy Machine Guns

I've also learned to play 16 different instruments on my own since the 5th grade.  As you might have surmised, music is more than a hobby for me, it is a true passion.

Currently at work composing the second volume in a dramatic sci-fi rock opera called The Toxic Dream: King Of Kings.(http://thetoxicdream.bandcamp.com) My work with it has translated, naturally, into exploring the world of VO, and have since scored a few roles on my own.