

Joined Aug 2019 0 Following0 Followers
About Hakuame

Hello. My name is Hakuame. I'm primarily a writer, but I've decided to reach my hand out to voice acting. I'm extremely new to va, but I'm having a lot of fun with it at the moment. I'm using the most basic of basic equipment, but I'll do my best to deliver a quality product.

As a young adult female, I'm comfortable with all kinds of subject matter and there are no legal restraints on what I can and can't voice within the limits of the laws in my country. 

English is one of my native languages and I speak with what I perceive as accentless English, but in reality, is Australian accented English. If you're specifically looking for an Australian accent and are expecting a Texan/Southern mix, I'm sorry, that accent only applies to rural/country/redneck/bogan Australians. In the city, we don't actively practice such accented English. Each state has their own slightly different accent and slang though, so be particular about what kind of accent you want, if at all.