

Joined Aug 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About GriffCold

Hello world! My name is Griffin Coldiron.

I've been performing on stage and in films for upwards of 12 years now, and have an extensive collection of character voices honed through years of tabletop role-playing games. My accent work includes American Southern, New York, Chicago, British, Irish, Scottish, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Norwegian, and Swedish.

My most notable voice work is as a cast member on the D&D Actual Play podcast, Another Path, where I play Mordecai se Bulwark.

I also have a pretty solid mimicry talent for accents, voices, and sound effects, should that fit what you're looking for. 

I have a passion for the fantasy genre, but a good story transcends genre, and is what I look for above all else.

Network: Ghostlight Media (

Twitter: @GriffCold
Discord: Griff#2015