
Voice Actor, Writer and Musician willing to work with you!  (H O P E  D A N G W O O  W I L L  L I S T E N  M E  S O M E D A Y :( !)

Joined Feb 2023 26 Following57 Followers
About AkioKami

"Cartoonish" PFP by Arshad Animations.

I´m a Writer, Artist, Music Composer/Musician, Intermediate pianist and Voice Actor.

I have more than 1 year of experience in Voice Acting in English and Spanish and I started composing (digital) music since March, 2024.

I´m looking forward to work with you! (I don't participate in LGBT or NSFW projects)


*Depends of the project outcome (*If its is deferred I can be flexible with the rates/fare).

What AkioKami is looking for

Im looking deffered projects, or from my interests, and also persons to do collabs in something.

  • @eeveeknight101

    he is very quick to respond it’s kinda scary in a good way he’s also great a villain voices I recommend he’s also just on top of it all 

  • @ground_eevee

    Akio Voices The Main Villain In my Series On Scratch, He Was Fun To Work With And When I Saw His Audition I Was like: "Yup, I Need Him". I Just Really Love His Voice! Good Job!
