Big Phil Animations

Big Phil Animations

Animator, Artist and Voice Actor. Producing Independent Movies and Animating Projects.

Joined Jul 2023 25 Following10 Followers
About Big Phil Animations

Hey There, I'm Big Phil Animations. Freelancer and in depended Animator, Storyboard and Voice Actor. The one who produce animated movies, parodies and even joined many collaborations and Indie Animations on the internet.

I have been a self-taught trained animator for over 10 years and made many impressive projects and movies in social media and publicly in film festivals. During the journey I have helped with my friends who did voice acting and writing on my movie as well as many popular content creators who ask me to join and help them back.

This description if from my own social media website


Paid jobs

Payment is on PayPal

What Big Phil Animations is looking for

2D Animation Projects and Indie Animation

  • @chezy_bro

    He is a very good addition to the animation crew. When emailed he answers it in a timely manner, and his audition as a Sketch animator for Alluring Deep was delivered very well, I highly recommend him.