

Joined Sep 2020 5 Following0 Followers
About EnthuseConfuse

I think most people understand the concept of a spark. A small piece of potential that can be nursed into a flame of passion. The spark can start any time, and any place.

My name is Lindsey Aaron. My spark happened 24 years ago when I was three years old, boycotting my favorite cartoon shows on a holiday. In my little mind, I understood that the drawings that made up cartoons needed to be done once. I did not like, however, that the voice actors had to come in to do their lines, and I felt that was absurdly unfair--at least until I was assuaged by my mother that nobody was pulling holiday pay.

Hanging on the wall of my parents house was a cartoon cell of Bugs Bunny, looking down at one of his famous rabbit holes, drawn by Chuck Jones himself. It was one of those things that sat with me a while. Bugs Bunny was alive to me, but just a single frame was like a mere breath to his existence!

Since then I've been obsessed with breathing life into things that are not alive. Working together with a team of people to bring someone's dream to its full potential has always been my own dream! As such, I'm eager to lend you my talent ne it voice, writing or art. I'm also eager to ask questions and narrow down exactly what your vision is.

You could say, I'm enthused and confused!