

Joined Feb 2019 7 Following0 Followers
About eevay

- 18 y/o (he/him)

- good with people, lots of patience, and extremely passionate about voice acting

- also a very experienced video editor (5+ years)


  • @anxietymp3

    eevay is a very hard working guy and he will do his best to provide the greatest possible quality that is expected of him. He is very good at editing even building his own community with his skills. He works well with others and can handle criticism well. He was able to maintain his YouTube career and school while participating in community service events to help the less fortunate. He as a person is very caring and compassionate of what he does. He does really well in school and participates in helping the community. He would be a perfect candidate for any project or team. I highly suggest you consider him as possible option for whichever role he auditions for.

  • @azraelistic

    hey, Johnathan! B)

    eevay is very dedicated to his work and puts forth the work and effort as much as he can in every project. eevay most definitely gives it his all, his 100%! he is a fun and pleasing to work with and is very kind and helpful. he has an amazing range in addition to being able to bend his tone with ease, making it hard to recognize any other role he may be playing for an extra in comparison to his main role. he shows passion for voice acting, and will contribute as much as he can while maintaining his own responsibilities and duties.

    i have worked on a project with him in addition to involving eachother in voice acting work. eevay is very charismatic, and would be perfect for any project/team when fulfilling the voice acting role!