
Trans woman VA ready to go ham on the mic <3

Joined Dec 2022 2 Following1 Followers
About Dyzzy

Heya! My name is Dyzzy and I'm gonna break into the VA biz! Mostly, until now, I've been using my vocal mimetrist skills to entertain my friends and family, but I realized "hey! I would love to do this for a living!" Anyway I'm 21, use she/her, and I have a spot on impression of Hiccup, Bowser, and a passable L from Death Note. I specialize in male voices, just from experience, but I'd love to play female roles too! Let me know if I sound like a fit for what you're working on!


USD $14/hr

What Dyzzy is looking for

Anything fun or original! I'm always looking for new things to get me and my friends into, so odds are if your project has heart behind it I'll be stoked to work on it with you!