Jazzy Jess

Jazzy Jess


Joined Nov 2020 7 Following2 Followers
About Jazzy Jess

28 year-old trans dude who wishes to be writer, and I do audio work for a living. I prefer developing sound projects for means of entertainment, as I love to express creativity. Though I wish for nothing out of these projects, I do hope to land myself in paid productions someday, to help me financially.

Most of my work is comedy, although I have written more serious fiction. Not the best at choreography, to say the least. I’m mostly inspired by retro styled work. The Spider-Man Audio Drama is my most proudest developed series. Marvin "The Twink" Martian is my most popular work by a landslide.

What Jazzy Jess is looking for

I would like to get into cartoons, movies, or continue on with audio podcasts stories. Or if there’s any other fan projects in mind, I’d be happy to hop on.

I don’t wish to be involved in works that discriminate people based on race, disability, gender, or anyone under the LGBTQ+ spectrum, even if it’s for a humorous ordeal.