@dralbinoI'm not alone, I'll keep fighting, it's all I can do, not because I should but because I will.
I'm a Christian, I'm in my 20s, male and I'm creative, I use primarily YouTube to express and develop my talents as an artist, musician, voice actor, and writer. As an artist I primarily do character art but environments are also something I find I do quite well, mostly self taught but my mother was an art major in college so she helped with my artistic development. As a musician I own a clarinet, a incan flute, a tongue drum, an ocarina, a saxophone, a kalimba, a Lyre and bongos, I play by ear and can't read sheet music currently but I can learn a song faster if I just listen to it anywho, I make music with Band Lab. As a voice actor I haven't had much traction but I've been practicing voices for over 15 years. As a writer I'm actually working on many books and working on my very own game and story for the game, along with many other things related to my world Evermore. In general I've been honing my talents around 10 or more years so I have experience and practice. All of this I wish to use for the glory of God, who is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit and The Father.
Thank you for reading this if you did, God bless, have a good day!
Discussable, it's for my client to decide.
I want to develop my skills, either by paid work or assisting those who are looking for help. I will not work on anything NSFW. I want to find people with similar talents as mine, I wanna get to know people I can connect and learn with.