

Joined Jun 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About Dragoonga

Enthusiast for nerd culture of all kind: games, anime, comics you name it. Favorites of each include Kingdom Hearts(specifically 2 but I like the whole series), Hunter x Hunter, and most old marvel and dc stuff. Ever since I was little I liked to do imitations, this then lead to me doing generic voices and I discovered I have in my opinion a good range. I can basically do any male voice, female voices get iffy but I can still go high pitched. I am mostly doing this for fun but getting payed just for speaking is pretty cool too. I don't have any high-spec equipment but I think the quality is good for what I have. I am currently enrolled in a video game development course and hope to make many in the future. My name is the name of the main character for the first one I hope to make. That's basically it, I hope whoever casts me gets what they are looking for!