
is just passing through

Joined Apr 2021 1 Following0 Followers
About Xeon

Heya! I'm Xeon and I am a VA, writer, producer, director, and composer. While my main skill is in voice acting, past employers will tell you that I am really good at filling in roles if need be. Right now I am looking at short-term projects as I am working on a project of my own right now, but I still love finding things to help out with! Even if you need something I don't have listed, just ask! You never know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Depends? Voice acting is cheap! Proofreading or cowriting is... basically free. Music composition is where the prices tend to go up depending on what you want, and then editing is the worst. Across the board though, I'm not going to charge a lot.

What Xeon is looking for

I LOVE animation and short film, with comic dubs coming in a close second. Anything to do with art is automatically something that I'm going to be really interested in and is where most of my skills are going to apply.

  • @solomon-troupe

    he's a very talented composer and good at improvisation during VoiceOver recordings. brings a lot of fun to my team!

  • @ferretino

    Both edits that he has done for me came out extremely clean. Amazing work.