

Joined Dec 2018 0 Following0 Followers
About dearestadamina

Hi! I'm Adamina, and welcome to my profile! As of right now I'm trying out voice acting, and I am interested in comic dubs! I do have three years of performing experience in slam poetry and theater. My most comfortable language is English, but I can also speak Mandarin fluently. 

I don't have a ton of singing experience, but I do know I'm a mezzo-alto/contralto. My voice has been described as raspy, tomboyish, and androgynous, but I know how to edit audio with Adobe Audition in case I need to add effects or raise my pitch a little bit.

I'm most interested in projects relating to Deltarune, Undertale, The SCP Foundation, and Homestuck, although said projects are likely scarce now.

Undyne in DeltaTALE productions (by SaltedVoices)---- ongoing

You can contact me via my discord:
or through CCC's message system.