
Joined Jun 2020 0 Following0 Followers

I am a 19 year old trade-school graduate who recently broke an ankle so I have plenty of time as of now to work and entertain the community! I used to do Machinima back in 2014 and had a good hit one time. The machinima was called "ATM" and I have it linked below this in my "Previous Work" section. I recently returned to the machinima community due to the return of my love for this wonderful game and community. I have a lot of experience in video editing and effects. I recently started animating and I really want to get some animations in my machinimas to improve the quality and help them stand out a little bit more! I, along with 2 others have spent the past 2 months writing a script for a post-apocalyptic short series with the first episode heavily focused on mental health in a constant stressful environment such as the undead world. We can't wait to continue working and entertain the community as a whole. We appreciate each and every one of you and thank you for reading this! Feel free to audition right down below. We will get back to you very soon! :)