

Joined Jul 2020 1 Following0 Followers
About DarkRogue21

Hi! I'm Laura!

I'm a lady hailing from the shores of the United Kingdom and I love to voice act. I'm not a professional actor, merely an amateur but I enjoy it as a hobby!

I have given my voice to a number of works, mostly for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyim mods.


Byrsael - The Shire by theBawb
Aurlyn Dawnstone - Aurlyn Dawnstone Follower by Mlee

Charlotte - Expanded Towns and Cities by Missjennabee
Riane & Isael - Mrissi (and Mrissi SE) by KreaQ
Kylandra & Seer Helena - Apotheosis by Di0nysys
Eriana & Lorna - Legacy of the Dragonborn by icecreamassassin

Feel free to drop a message!