

Joined Jun 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About Cxss_Edits

Hello! I'm Cxss_Edits, otherwise known as Cass. I am a GachaTuber/Video Editor, Aspiring/Beginning Voice Actor, and Singer.

Basic Information:
Pronouns: They/He
Age: Minor
Voice Pitch(?): Medium-Low Feminine 

Projects I am looking for:
Mostly Gacha related content, but in the future, I may look into expanding the areas I would like to work in!

 I generally get along with a lot of different people! I look forward to auditioning and hopefully being apart of your voice-acted projects! 

Side Note: Currently, I am still learning how to navigate CCC, as well as learning how to edit my audio, so please if I do anything wrong or not desired at any time whilst working with you, don't hesitate to talk to me about it!