

Joined Mar 2021 4 Following0 Followers
About CutwBoba

Hewo y'all i'm what you call ''CutwBoba'' OML I HATE THAT NAME uhm but really its !!.Hatsuri.!! like from online but then this websites like OnLy PaId UsErS CaN ChAnGe ThErE NaMe okay so anyways i really have a passion of being a singer/voice actor (i would say both) and i'm a young person .. and as that i always have things like '' Oh YoUr To Young or ''Oh YoU ArE a NeWbIe'' but , I STAY STRONG! like the person i should do,also i have really nice friends like dude , when we first came friends in my head im like '' SHE DANGGGGG TOXIC* because in my jumpstart * a school for higher levels  than preschool* i had this friend and i still have her rudeness in my head , buttttt BACK FROM PAST , i also just randomly sing then try my voice acting skills outside my backyard because,im weird, and i am. ehm. I'm obsessed with gacha and fnaf so like if you ask me a fnaf question like....* who the kid that posses the puppet * i would be like .. bruhhh its charlie/charlotte honestly that's an easy question, orrr about gacha like * how do you make the hair move back and forth* okay so i chose an easy question , but i would say go on effects and you'll see like at the near bottom right ...... IM DUMBBBBB . I honestly have to say .. this is an amazing website for me , and i can't wait to see more of it * i have tips so first idk how my typing got slanted so don't mind and second i will only be voice acting , cuz like yea i make characters BUT I'M HORRIBLE AT IT , moving on* so i would like to thank you..... whoever read this ,CYAA * uhm i just wanted to add that .. i was stupid to notice i accidently pressed the lean letters button , LuCkY Me :I* * me like a month later* BOBA DONT SAY ¨this is an amazing website to me" YOU JUST SOUND LIKE MY OLD TEACHER Ms.Harshman AND FRANKLY AS SHE HAS THE NAME HARSH IN HER NAME SHE ALWAYS SAYS ¨Bummer¨ *ppl pls call me hatsuri

  • @diamond-gacha

    SHE IS AMAZING. thats it.

  • @diamond-gacha