

Joined Aug 2019 1 Following0 Followers
About ChaseCCC

Hello everyone!

My name is Chase, I am a voice actor from Germany.
I am new to the scene, so please go easy on me and give me good feedback, so i can improve.

I always loved to make weird sounds with my voice or to transform my voice into Mickey Mouse, Detektiv Conan and all the stuff I used to watch back then. Finally in August 2019, a friend of mine, ScalphaDubs, motivated me to try voice acting and I loved that idea.
Since then, I try to better myself everytime I make a fandub on YouTube and to practice, so i can finally audition for a role and lend a charakter my voice. My dream is to become a full-fledged voice actor and lend my voice to iconic charakters in film and television.

My voice is quite high, so I have problems talking low and I can't really act as I want in the lower ranges. I love to voice creepy characters such as Shigaraki Tomura from My Hero Academia or Twitch from League Of Legends. But as I am quite new, I experiment pretty much everyday to see what I can do!