

Joined Jun 2018 23 Following0 Followers
About ceruleanskylight

Hi there! I'm a voice actor in my 20's who enjoys stories of all different kinds. I have a female voice, neutral American accent, and a distinct and soft-edged voice when speaking neutrally. That being said, I love to push the limits of how I can make my voice sound, and I throw myself into any role I'm given with enthusiasm!

Feel free to send me a message at any time. Thanks for visiting!

  • @qthulhu

    Ceruleanskylight worked very professionally, has a lot of talent and her work performance overall was great. I really recommend her!

  • @morgan-pander

    ceruleanskylight is legitimately one of the most talented people on Casting Call Club! She gave me many different readings of each line and took the direction great! Her performance was amazing and the audio quality was superb! If you ever get the chance to work with her, consider yourself lucky!