

Joined Aug 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About CatTreee

'Bout me!

Hi there! My name is CatTreee, also known as Fine86 on youtube. I am a small Gacha content creator, and i'll be making my first ever voice acted series, Blast Off!
(I would like to make sure you know NOT to private message me.)

'Bout Blast Off!

Blast Off will be a series made in Gacha Club, inspired by my favorite television series 'Red Dwarf.' Four bodies are trapped in space on their giant ship 'The Cobalt' after going through a black hole and arriving in an alternate dimension. The first episode will be short, but after that the episodes will get longer. This series will have NOTHING NSFW, as i am very much against that in Gacha. There will be NO private messaging, but I will add you to my discord server if you achieve a successful audition. My discord name is: the big the noob#9439. I will add you, you will not add me. Please add your discord name to your audition notes. I am looking for people who convey personality, and act as if they are that character in that moment. More characters will be added for future episodes. Thank you for coming!