

Joined May 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About bobybob2964

Hi there! Im a new voice actor looking to get a start in this huge world. I've always loved using my voice for narrations and acting, I've even been on the radio a few times because of my love of this art. Although I might not have the best equipment yet, I have a decent microphone and an amazing voice, perfect for any characters that have a deep/low voice. 

If you are looking for someone to play a character, narrate, sing, or even just read monotone. Im your guy! I am fairly new to this, so I don't have a ton of experience yet, but I have been using my voice for live streams, podcasts, DnD characters, and local narrations for over 4 years. I promise you won't regret it! 

Thank you for considering me, and have a wonderful day!