

Joined Mar 2019 2 Following1 Followers
About BobGaming

What's up guys! I'm BobGaming, I'm a part time streamer and student as well as an aspiring computer programmer. I wanted to try something new, so here I am hope you enjoy. If you need my voice add me on discord, I'm always willing to help


  • @scriptscript

    Streamer on twitch, also UC Player/Minecraft and such, watch his stream in twitch

  • @azademonifox

    ok so uhhhhhhhh this guy is swag so like if you want somebody to say stuff for some reason then you should like use this guy because he is cool and he does cool stuff like paly undercards which is a uhhhhh card game that's like hearthstone except it's themed around undercards and it's a cool game yeah actually speaking of undercards i recently made this like cool anime sword deck that's like you use the anime swords to buff like ice caps and you can kill people with it and it's cool and stuff so yeah oh anyways i got kind of off track so back to what i was saying uhhh this guy is cool and you should get him to voice act for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah