

Joined Oct 2019 12 Following12 Followers
About BlueHeartTattoo

Hi, I'm Makaila, new to the channel and have a wide variety of creavity inside of me!

I've been singing and drawing ever since I can remember; but I started video editing and digital art when I was 13 (I'm 24 now) and starting taking acting classes when I was in 9th grade of high school. 

I graduated high school with Honors with a GPA of 3.7 and studied some college with a Theatre/Acting Major. 

But those aren't the only things that make me 'me'. I'm an pop culture fanatic with interests like Movies/Animation, books, music and art. some examples are Disney, Musical Theatre,  TV shows like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, The Simpsons and Sailor Moon, DC/Marvel Heroes, anything Phantom of the Opera, and stories relating 'Beauty and the Beast' or YA books. 

Weird fun facts about me: I couldn't talk until I was 5 due to being an nonverbal autistic at the time. But because of the animated movies I watched, it helped me find the urge to speak and imitate the characters' every movement and emotions. So because of that, I'm able to memorize movie and tv quotes and recite them whenever I want. Even if it drives my family nuts! 

I am very passionate about the talents and gift God has given me and I'm always happy to be sharing them to anyone, anywhere so that I can make them smile.