

Joined Mar 2020 9 Following3 Followers
About WarmKitty100

Hi! My name is Kitty and I am a 19-year-old female. I've been voice acting since January 2020, and have been a writer for many series since March 2020. My voice has a somewhat wide range. My voice can be deeper or it can be higher, depending on the role. 

I have many auditions, so if you would like to see what I can do, just check them out and see what you think! 

I know I'm not the best, but I'm still learning from my mistakes and learning from others as well. I like to learn from others because then I can get a whole view of the world of voice acting.

I like to work with others because it gives me the chance to learn and grow as a person. It's also an excuse to have more friends.

If you have any questions for me, just contact me through my discord is listed below. Have a good day!

Discord: WarmKitty100#7926


  • @bluewolf-1942

    First off, Kitty is an AMAZING voice actor! Definitely one of my best! She always gets her lines in done in an amazing time and they are always a lovely quality and in 2-3 different styles for me to choose from. Her work is amazing and I feel so lucky to have her voice not only 1 but 2 of my characters across my different series. She is someone I am always happy to work with and I love what she does. Definitely Recommend!