

Joined May 2020 1 Following0 Followers
About ayanefukumi


Hello uwu
I'm Ayane Fukumi, but I also go by Naomi as well, I'm 24 and have been doing music stuff, mostly sample based, for the past 10 years. I've also done a bit of video production in the past, and recently have wanted to get into voice acting and writing.

I just got equipment, and I'm mostly just going to be doing smaller stuff and practicing until I feel confident enough to get better equipment.

I can also sing if that's your thing.

I've also worked on multiple video projects in the past, the video I put the most effort into is a review of Invader Zim that I did as a character a few years back (I wrote, shot, acted, and edited it)


Examples of my voice work can be found at my youtube listed on the side.