

Joined Jun 2019 0 Following0 Followers
About audalic

Hello! My name is Audrey, or also known as audalic. This will officially be my Casting Call Club account, for I had another one with a different username that I did not completely like. Anywho, I do have experience with acting, scripting, writing, voice acting, singing, and musical instruments. I am gifted in piano, ukulele, viola, and my vocal box (hehe).  

When I audition, I expect no sexual words coming out of my mouth if I get the part. As well as no gore things, I like to be kid friendly :)! I am available on these days, Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays (sometimes), Saturdays (again, sometimes) and definitely not Sundays. I am very high-pitched, or I can be. My voice varies at times, and I will try my best to stick with it.
Here's a bit about myself! 
-I am still studying as a student
-I am Korean (mostly)
-The language I am most fluent in is English
-Tennis and tae kwon do are my favorite sports!
-I loOOVe to EAT!
-I am visualized as a leader 
-Continuing with being a leader, I am my schools' Music Program President!
-Full-on Christian :)
-Very introverted around new people 
And, that's it!

Thank you for reading my little bio!