Ackerman VO

Ackerman VO

Voice Actor, Self-Taught Singer, and just a guy who loves making others happy with his voice.

Joined Jun 2022 8 Following3 Followers
About Ackerman VO

I'm relatively new to the voice acting scene, but I've been using my voice to entertain people for a long time. I've been in several plays across my youth, and I've enjoyed reading books aloud to my parents for the past two years. Beyond that, I've enjoyed singing and learning accents for fun when I have free time, so I've had a lot of practice using my voice in a variety of ways.

In my free time, I enjoy video games and book (especially ones with deep characters and lots of worldbuilding). I enjoy nature, and the feeling good, solid rock beneath my feet. My favorite authors are J.R.R. Tolkien and Brandon Sanderson, and my favorite book series are The Lord of the Rings, and The Stormlight Archive respectively. 

Closing Credits - 2022

Voice Acting 101

Instructed by John Wang
Closing Credits - 2022

Voice Acting 201

Instructed by Deb Munro