

Joined Dec 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About artichoke


newly voice actor, somewhat experienced writer, decent video editor and aspiring artist
hi there! I'm artichoke and I am a writer, a video editor and a voice actor.

I'm not a professional in any of these categories but I aspire to be in the near distant future.  


VOICE ACTING - I joined CCC December 20th of 2020. I just started voice acting recently and hope to gain more experience with practice and through auditions and projects. I hope to be a part of something and be able to gain some great memories and experiences. I also can't wait to meet others on here! 

WRITING - I've been writing recreationally for a few years now but I took a hiatus in 2018. I plan on returning to writing in early 2021. I would like to write or create stories, whether its alongside others or simply by myself. This is the field I have the most experience with overall (many years of writing on and off, but 1-2 years of consistent writing).

VIDEO EDITING - As for videos, I started creating videos at a young age with my best friend and family. With my best friend we would perform skits and record stories we'd thought of and created. We used props and costumes and anything we could find that we thought would suit our video. Those videos were all uncut and we never edited them. It was until I was 11-13 was when I first started editing and found that I enjoyed it. The category of videos I would edit were vlogs, travel vlogs, gaming videos and montages. This is the field that I have the most experience with consistently. I don't use a fancy video editor but I have most of the right resources to edit and I know enough to get the job done. However I am willing to learn how to do anything more complicated than that if you require it. As for a fancy editor I don't think I will be able to buy one anytime soon.

ACTIVITY - I will be as active as can be, if I'm not on or I don't answer, I'm either sleeping or doing schoolwork or I'm with my friends or family.  But I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. 

!!! thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and that you are having a wonderful day !!!