

Joined Mar 2017 0 Following0 Followers
About AngieY13

Hi~!! I'm Angie, a 27-year-old girl living in the U.S. with my gorgeous best friend, wife and soulmate. ♥♥ We live various lifestyles that are just perfect for us. Together we have two kitties, one bird, one snake, a betta fish each, a cory catfish each and one bunny. They're our babies~!!

I am a gamer, geek, artist, blogger, Witch, Heathen and Pagan. I love VAs and have a passion for anime and manga, though gaming VAs are also AMAZING. Right now, I'm following most of those who voice Overwatch characters. *o* 

I love making friends, and as for voice acting, I am open to anything that does not involve me voicing a character that flirts or has any sort of romantic relationship. So, please, contact me if you think I'd fit your project. ^_^ 

Have a lovely day~!! 
~ Angie