Alex Summers

Alex Summers

Freelance Audio Engineer & Fan Project Enthusiast

Joined Mar 2023 18 Following43 Followers
About Alex Summers

Alex here, host of Moon Star: A Sailor Moon Podcast. I'm on Casting Call Club for a few reasons!

First and foremost, I'm here to expand my abilities surrounding audio and video editing. Perhaps my Photoshop skills, too.

Second, I have my own fan projects that I am casting for!

Currently, dubbing Sailor Moon Another Story - the only official Sailor Moon RPG ever created - is my main focus. You should check it out and see if we have a role for you, today!

Third, I would absolutely love to get involved with other Sailor Moon and Rainbow Brite themed fan-projects in any way I can. 



What Alex Summers is looking for

I would love to get involved behind the scenes to expand my audio and video editing capabilities. Happy to work on Sailor Moon and Rainbow Brite related fan projects for free.