Alaxophele / Necroify

Alaxophele / Necroify

LAUREN LANDA JUST TOLD ME “Squigly loves you too!” IN CHARACTER WRITHING QUAKING ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ San Diego Comic Con ; anyone who recognizes me will receive a smile 😎😎😎

Joined Dec 2021 12 Following0 Followers
About Alaxophele / Necroify

  • Part-time trololita and full-time running gag

Poopoo singing samples here: 

Help me.  ✧ ✧

Portfolio :  ✧ ✧


Other stuff I do: fashion, art, dabbling in animation, smile, frown 




If you are interested in casting me and plan to credit somewhere in your project, let me know so I can give you my preferred name!

• ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧

I can't read music but I can mimic the types of singing voices used in theater. I can do quite a few accents- doesn't mean that they are good haha; They include Valley Girl, Southern, Vaguely New English, vaguely Australian/Kiwi, Generic English, Northern-ish English, Russian, French, vaguely European, vaguely South Asian, East/Southeast Asian (Vietnamese specifically), and automated/AI. I speak English and Southern Vietnamese and can mimic phrases from foreign languages. I have a theatrical and operatic voice despite my lack of formal experience.

✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ •

I normally talk very fast when I am comfortable. I can also technically improvise, but I have no promises on it being great. Cat noises are apparently my animal noise forte but I can also do coyote, chihuahua, cicada, crow (brought to you by the letter “C”), and pigeons. Also I can do the Roblox “oof” and sounds of a woman getting hurt and pained screaming + choking :,). I can additionally pitch design ideas and do light art/animation/animatic ideas (mostly animesque types, semi-realistic, and somewhat cartoony (such as soft picture book styles and MLP). My experience in writing is detailed below but TLDR; understanding academic writing allows me to act dynamically. 

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I try pretty hard to avoid most social media and I dislike having to install extra programs in my computer, just FYI- but I may become more flexible later down the road. 

• You will notice that I have a tendency to type lot and include too many tags.

••• Most importantly, I am incredible at drinking boba and consuming various confectionaries.•••

Like a year of high school theater that wasn’t super helpful - 1983

Instructed by

I’m not letting you approximate my age, it’s a privacy thing- unless the work seriously demands it. Yes I am an adult.

Absence of a fulfilling life - 2022

Instructed by

talking to myself a lot and maladaptive daydreaming does things to a person - also, something something histrionic? Lmao 

Writing angry YouTube comments - 2022

Instructed by

They constantly get marked as spam and my god you have no idea how livid I am, my comments go on full essay lengths and I get shadowbanned even if I save them and copy paste it from my notes why is YouTube doing this to me why

SDUSD - 1983

5 Years (College Leveled Courses) Seminar English + 2 Years AP Essay writing nonfiction and fiction + English 205

Instructed by 8 different instructors (kept hidden for privacy n cuz I got beef with one of them)

All A’s in the 7 advance college-leveled English classes ranging from rhetorical analysis + composition, literature analysis + writing, argumentative analysis + composition, character studies, poetry analyses + composition. Works I studied varied from historical to contemporary, short and long, and within various genres. △▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼

Other media such as art analysis alongside minor graphical and film interpretation are included as well in my list of experience. △▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼

Why did I list the English portion of my GPA? What significance does it serve in terms of acting? Well, hopefully it reinforces not only what I say about my skills as a writer, but also my performances; the ability to extrapolate personality, mannerisms, motivations, and character development from lines alone, based on structure/syntax, diction, and tone (plus their various shifts) are writing essentials I’ve spent nearly a decade studying. Also, I’ve read and explored days worth of TvTropes because I have way too much time on my hands, that has to count for something too right?

SDCCD - 2023

Associates in Studio Arts

Instructed by Poo

studio farts more like it


What Alaxophele / Necroify is looking for

I wanna have some fun acting while actively building a career out of this. I'm too cowardly to do actual plays that involve intensive memorization. I’d love to do physical acting but I have no means of long-distance transportation nor decent quality video equipment.




Projects I'm interested in: certain fandubs, original voices for anime/visual novels/games/podcasts/narration/short educational lectures, singing via mimicry, personal audio messages or gift messages




Roles I believe I am suited for: dramatic villain, young cartoon/anime girl (most varieties, especially excitable alongside most "dere' types), snarky/sarcastic, authoritative, motherly, urmom, threatening, flirty, femme fatale, dragon lady, annoying, clueless, smart, scientist, sneaky, cruel, arrogant, intentional bad acting, mentally ill types (anxiety, depression, borderline, anger issues, psychotic), any type of singing from pop to jazz to theater/opera, rap, other languages, given that I am instructed how to sing them.


(Voice) Roles I am not suited for: all-loving main character types, super deep voices, grumbly, singular word responses, wise, elderly, long monologues with little emotional fluctuations, crystal clear/sharp sounding voice idk I just randomly sound phlegmy :(, scream-y, deep predatory animals, certain speech impediments, character impressions, (but I am decent at capturing characterization)

  • @maxjoy

    Alaxophele has been an amazing person to work with, they have strong motivation and provide top quality work. They never fail to impress me especially within the project that she had volunteered with called Love Sick. They deliver their lines on time and even earlier, they provide files in the specific requested format and even take the extra step to give alternative versions of lines to make sure the quality is even better.

    To have this person audition for any project is an honour itself and it would be a serious mistake to turn them down at all.