

Joined Aug 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About AGB-Acting

Hi! My name is Adrián Genesius Barrón. I am a Latinx (Mexican) actor, theatre director, and voice-over artist based in Orange County. My acting work has an emphasis in Shakespeare, with some film work. As a director, I love working collaboratively on abstract theatre, but welcome the challenge of directing a more styled piece. Finally, as a voice-over artist, my passion for voice acting came my love of video games and anime, and thus I want to impart the same feelings, emotions, and stories that shaped my childhood onto the next generation, as I truly believe that voice acting is a wonderful, complex, and profound form of art and deserves its place in the realm of acting.

I look forward to working with you!

For more information, please visit

  • @grumbo

    Adrian is a pleasure to work with, with a talent and range in his performance. Playing one of the lead villains my hopes were for some quality menace and terror in his voice and I must say he most certainly delivered. Adrian also is super passionate about his work, and takes on extra work on the project whenever he gets the chance, hopping on Project Zerk as a second writer! He always has great insight into character and I am very glad to be working with him. He has my utmost recommendation.