

Chaos is Order yet unperceived.  You only fail if you don't learn from your mistakes. Stay true to the One and He will guide your ways.

Joined Oct 2023 0 Following1 Followers
About Zephryn

Heyo! Zephryn here! Or Ryland if we're being formal. Welcome to my little slice of the CCC universe! I am quite new to the site, but very much want to get into voice acting. A couple of guidelines I have for myself are:
1: I am not interested in any roles that will include swearing
and 2: I am not interested in plots that include sex, LGBTQ+, or demons/supernatural content

Also, I am 18, if that matters...

As of 02/05/2024 I have a new mic so ignore any auditions before that time as anything I submit will be much better quality :)

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message, and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.