Rayanne Benavente

Rayanne Benavente

New Voice Actor, Writer, artist, animator

Joined Dec 2023 5 Following1 Followers
About Rayanne Benavente

My name is Rayanne Marie Benavente and I am starting out my career as a va, writer, artist, and animator. I am based in Florida, but still will be able to work remote. I am in college right now, but I can be flexible towards putting my best work out there and finishing the job.


Both unpaid and paid, but will change in the future once I gain experience.

What Rayanne Benavente is looking for

I will be doing voice acting or voice over work to gain more experience so any type of project I am interested in will do. Also any writing that's needed for a show or novel or art and animation. I want to grow my skills and build a portfolio of work so I can move to bigger and bigger jobs.