

Voice Actor in the making!

Joined Sep 2022 2 Following5 Followers
About CastilloVO

My name is Caesar Castillo, a voice actor from Texas. I discovered my passion for Voice Over a little over two years ago. Since then, I have started a YouTube Creepypasta channel, Narrated 5 Audiobooks, lent my voice to several different characters on platforms like YouTube, Twitch and others, and I run the Nevermore Nerds Podcast. It's been a fun 2 years, and I look forward to many more. My immediate goal is to start making a steady income as a Voice Over artist and make it my full time career.
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Find me on Youtube at:
Check out my Podcast:



What CastilloVO is looking for

I'm looking to add entries to my voice over resume and reel. Specifically, I'm interested in playing characters in animations or video games.