STAR WARS: The Clone Wars - Republic Commando
TheVoices2000 for Commander Cody

Voice Actor
Commander Cody
Role assigned to:
CC-2224, nicknamed "Cody," was a Clone Marshal Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
Commander Cody was a no-nonsense commander who always took the mission seriously. His personality was very much like Obi-Wan Kenobi and was thus able to become close friends with him. Cody was calm, conservative, and resourceful. He was an ideal soldier and loyal to the Republic.
Cody should sound like his voice actor, Dee Bradley Baker.
"It was an honor to fight with you, for something we chose to believe in."
“Clone CC-5576-39. And it’s Commander now, Sir.”
Say something that you think would fit *

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