Skywind: Morrowind reenvisioned! OLD PAGE
Ethanr1222 for Dunmer

This is the old Casting Call Club page. Please audition here:
We have a particular need for female Dunmer voices - if you know someone who might be interested, please let them know!
The Dunmer accent can range from modern “posh” British accents to the Trans-Atlantic accent from early Hollywood. To keep from sounding distinctly North American, Dunmer voice actors are asked to avoid the rhotic R.
In general, Dunmer should sound wise, even in their youth. They live in a harsh land, and their lifespans are very long - they are a pragmatic people and venerate the wisdom of their elders from even from a young age. They should speak in a precise manner, clear and articulated, taking the time to think through exactly what they mean to say as they say it.
Female Dunmer will have a mid-range to low pitch. A rough/gritty tone may be present, similar to low level of mild, continuous vocal fry. They are somewhat more masculine in tone, with some huskiness. Female Dunmer will sound mature overall, and don’t sound younger than mid-30’s in age. The most true to the original Morrowind would sound very mature, with a slight wavering, shaky quality--not from lack of confidence, but rather just normal aging of the vocal cords--still sounding wise, prideful, and confident in disposition. They won’t ever sound young, like children or teenagers.
For males, the rasp is the most important thing. If you can throat sing, and apply this rasp on top of throat singing, that is the ideal Dunmer voice. That's how Jeff Baker does the voice.
Note: Female Dunmer do not need the rasp that males use.
(Player dialogue Male)- I have long believed it was a mistake to turn from the old gods. Perhaps Azura is with you after all. And perhaps not. I will tell you that I've spoken with Dagoth Ur. He promised me the same thing. That he will drive the foreigners from our lands. But I am not one to ignore opportunity, nor am I one to be troubled by rubbing two sides of a coin. If you are one of your word, I am your ally. I will tell Velanda Omani and Nevena Ules to support you as Hortator of House Hlaalu.(Player dialogue Female)- Perhaps I can help you with the Oracle's riddle. Nammu, or 'no-name,' is a cavern in the wildlands of Sunna Guradan. Its east-facing entrance is west-north-west from the Daedric ruin Yansirramus. At the heart of the cavern is a great high chamber, flooded, with a central spire rising from the water. The water around the bottom of the spire might be the ring of darkness from the Oracle's vision.
(Combat taunts)- You n'wah!- Die, fetcher.- This is the end of you, s'wit.- You will suffer greatly.(Combat taunts: Ordinator)- You cannot escape the righteous!- You will pay with your blood!
(Taking damage)- Hurragh!- Groan.- AAAIIEE.- Umpfh.