Looking for a VA for my OC for a Ring Racers mod [PAID]
Boxhead for Nathanial Star

This character is the protagonist of my webcomic called Goodsville! You can check out the first episode on Newgrounds alongside the information I shared above to get an idea of what he is like.
I'm looking for a mix between an American 90's cartoon protagonist and anime protagonist sounding voice, inspirations include Arnold from Hey Arnold! and Killua from Hunter x Hunter.
Both male and female actors can audition, but I greatly encourage for voice actresses to audition cuz I always found it cool how characters like Bart Simpson, Ash Ketchum and Naruto Uzumaki are voiced by women and I think it would be neat if Nathan was like that too.
- teen
Oh! Uhhhh... Hmm. Y'know I never thought about that. If I am human, but also a demon, does that make me a humon or a deman...? ... Blugh. Both of those sound dumb. Saying I'm half human, half demon sounds way cooler anyway.
Tch. I have spent an unhealthy amount of time over the weekend drinking nothing but Redbull and bingeing karate movies and anime. (Cocky snicker) I'm basically a ticking time bomb, and I doubt you want to be around for the boom.
Ooooh my God! I get it! I'm short! Greaaat detective work, Sherlock. Bravooo, well done. Do you think I chose to be short? Whaddya want me to do about it? Elongate myself? Do you hear yourself right now?!

Do you think you can try doing this again but like an octave or two higher? I dig the energy you gave to this auction and I like that you have a bit of that breathyness and slight rasp. Just wanna see if you can pull off sounding just a tad younger.

Yeah I could try

Thank you! I look forward to hearing your resubmission! >B)