BOTN - A Skyrim Creation
Mika Thomas for Leifyr

After seeing the destruction they inflict upon the world, Leifyr believes that the dragons are the true masters of the world and that humanity should submit to them in order to end the suffering. As a consequence, he worships the dragons and will attempt to destroy any who oppose them.
Line count: 25 (may be subject to minor changes. Pay will reflect any changes in line count)
Voice type: Soft, yet radicalised. Youthful. English, Scottish or Scandinavian.
- male young adult
When I first witnessed the destruction of the dragons, it was gut wrenching. Burning people. Eating people. The end of the world had come.
You are the only thing that stands in the way of my masters achieving victory. But I have the courage to destroy you and I shall do so quickly!
Combat: This is the only way and you know it!