Beyond the Dark Productions - ‘The Strata’ - Chapter 11 | Original audio drama
Schmanda for Edana
Word Count: 1750
Role: Supporting
Payment: $50 flat rate
Age: 30+
Edana is a traveller from a far distant region called the Western Reaches. She is tough, loyal and never backs down from a fight. She has endured many hardships and bears both physical and emotional scars from a life of toil and suffering. These experiences have moulded her into an uncompromising denizen of the wasteland.
In her youth, Edana enjoyed a happy and uncomplicated life. She married young and lived with her husband in a small farming community. However, all that changed one night when merciless slavers of the Western Reaches swept through the region and threw her world into disarray. With her husband murdered, Edana was taken by the slavers and made to work in their dark, inhospitable mines for many years. After befriending fellow slave Crichton, the two managed to escape the Western Reaches. Together they vowed to stay true to each other, and though they are now far from home, they both yearn for the chance to return and take the fight to the slavers once again.
- female adult
(Offering a scathing appraisal of Morton’s clan to his face; full of disdain, mocking) “It’s no wonder this clan is unravelling... with you as its leader. I’m sure that as you lie awake at night, pondering your folly, you console yourself with the thought that there is still time to right the ship. You tell yourself that - while the Ripper Buzzards may be circling, there is still time to regain what you’ve lost. But the truth is, Morton... you’re already dead.”
(Sharing a moment of vulnerability and honesty with her close companion Crichton; earnestly reaffirming her loyalty to him) “You dragged me out of the darkness, Crichton. You carried me, bloodied and broken, and fought your way through insurmountable odds so that we could both find freedom. I would be nothing without you. For that reason, and so many others, you know I can never leave.”
(Taunting an enemy in the midst of a fight about how she killed one of their friends; cruel and mocking) “They managed to escape by pure chance - recklessly drove over a steep incline where we couldn’t follow. But before they did, I managed to throw a tox-bomb into the passenger compartment of their crawler. It was a damn good shot, if I do say so myself. Hit your friend Powell flush. Right in his ugly head.” (laughs cruelly) “He must have been soaking in that poison for hours. I bet he suffered before the end, didn’t he? I bet he was in agony.”