[CLOSED] Wanderer's Journal - A fiction podcast
Daniela Aranaga for Marigold (she/they)
Marigold has spent her entire life underground with her head mostly buried in ancient books. They are incredibly interested in ancient history and have spent a lot of time trying to understand the world. Marigold is thus not very good at talking to people, even though they’ve always lived in a fairly social community. She knows more about history and the world than most however, and has always wanted to get a closer look.
Marigold is quite scared and anxious around people, and not very good at talking to them face to face. She is intelligent, but has a tendency not to properly notice the things right in front of her. We are looking for someone who sounds young (18-20s), curious, and a bit scatter-brained.
It feels like there’s something in here, something that wants to get me. I think that might be the exhaustion talking.
Obviously, no book should be able to survive the wilderness in such good condition, especially not when its cover is worse for wear, but also because– People don’t go into the forest. They haven’t for– gods, for centuries. Who would’ve been here to leave it on the floor at all? How long has it been here? How does it work?
[in a self soothing tone] I’ll be out in the open soon enough, and then– and then I’ll do so many things. There will be– there will be so many more new things to learn and see, and I’ll get to go wherever I want!