[CLOSED] Oblivion (Sims 4 VO Series)
Erin Culpepper for Firdaws COLLINS

Significance: ★★★★☆
Age: 20
Role: student
Traits: joyful, leader, benevolent
Sexuality: lesbian
First appearance: 1st episode
Firdaws is Geraldine's older sister and was adopted by both of her mothers when she was 8 years old. She studies in the special class of Midway High School and practices all possible and imaginable activities in addition to being a delegate of her class. She is one of the few people who gets along well with the other students at the school.
Firdaws is a young woman of average height (165cm) and looks like a top model. She has short pink hair that she likes to dye different colors depending on the occasion. She has blue eyes and a mole on the upper left side of her mouth.
Firdaws is often considered "Miss Perfect", but that doesn't bother her, quite the contrary. She is always there for others and always wants to give the best of herself. She is a character who will always put others before her and tries to put a smile on everyone she meets.
(happily) Come on, please put your differences aside for once, life is good!
(angry) You know what? I'm not the problem, you are!
(reassuring, calm) You know, you really are a great person. I love you and all I want is for you to be happy.

Thanks for your audition, you have a lovely voice :)

Thank you!! Looking forward to working with you!