Weapon-X Audio Drama
Joseph Bozlinski for Dr. Abraham Cornelius

Observantly stoic. Barely anything shocking phases him. Finds everything to be fascinating.
- english
(Direction: Speaking into the microphone as if you're recording the results of an experiment.)
Dr. Abraham Cornelius, Senior scientist, Alkali Lake Facility. Date: June 17th, 1982. 6:38pm, PDT. Test subject: James Howlett, a.k.a. “Logan”. Species: Human-Mutant.For the past ten days, we have seen some incredible results. Just as theorized, Mr. Howlett’s body has completely accepted the X-Serum as a booster for his mutation. Within five weeks, Mr. Howlett’s cells have permanently altered faster than what we had anticipated. Initially, we had hypothesized that, should Mr. Howlett’s cells accept the X-Serum, we would see success within the span of two years; a year and a half for a best-case scenario, yet, Mr. Howlett’s genetic make-up has taken us by surprise over and over again.
(Direction: You are explaining context for information displayed.)
"Reports said “No”. After observing his actions, Mr. Howlett was ordered to ensure there were no survivors. And they made it quite clear that they were not taking prisoners that day."- Reactions to observations

I very much liked what I had heard. Well done.