Pale Angels | Sims 2 Machinima
Joseph Bozlinski for Sebastian Barker

“Out of the womb and into the void
I wanna try but I get annoyed
Can't you see these skies are breaking
Cause I'm out of the womb and into the void”
Early twenties, born on April 25th (Taurus sun, Scorpio moon and Virgo rising)
Honest, tolerant, cold, creative, vulgar, perverted, stubborn. Born with hemophilia, he was always known as the dying kid wherever he went. Of course, he is now safe and well, but growing up with a life-threatening condition has a big influence on one's life perspectives. It also doesn't help that he lost his younger sister to the same illness. So, who exactly is Sebastian? Your typical goth boy, with Placebo and The Cure on repeat in his head. A genuine bookworm, even speaking in riddles on occasions, without noticing. He accepted his likely fate at such a young age, and he doesn't mind cracking a grim joke now and again, probably due to his terrible social skills, never understanding how to read a room... or the people in it.
- english
(Cold/Monotone) To be honest, I'd rather fling myself down the stairs and die, than to play your teacup poodle on a leash.
(*As he recites a book quotation*/Charming) “It was an antidote to any pain, and I had more pains that one.”
(Joking) My, my.. someone got their birds, bees, and dicks mixed up.

Thank you so much for auditioning!! You did really good

Thanks, you're very kind. I love the vibe for your series, and Sebastian seems like a really fun character. I'll keep my fingers crossed! =)