Winn Manning for Dr. Holston Hickey
- Dr. Holston Hickey is a physician working for the Crimson Caravan in 2281.
- Not much is known about Dr. Hickey, other than that he received training from the Followers of the Apocalypse and worked with them for a few years for the experience. He later left and signed on to be a physician for the Crimson Caravan's New Vegas Branch after seeing job postings.
- He's your average doc. He makes sure his fellow employees get proper treatment and are work-ready.
- He's 25-35 years old.
- North American or African-American accent. No other exceptions.
- LINE AMOUNT - Around 30-60
[Person greets you]
Never seen you here. You're a recent transfer?
[Person says they're not]
*Phew* Good. I don't need more people to take care of. I already have my hands full as is.
[Person asks, "Who are you?"]
Holston Hickey. However, it's Dr. Hickey to you.
[Person asks, "You're the doctor around here?"]
Yep. The only one. Hopefully, I'll get a nurse assigned here to help me with the workload.
Preferably a raven-haired bachelorette who knows her way around a gauze sponge. But eh, beggars can't be choosers.
[Person asks, "How did you get this job?"]
I got my medical training from the Followers. I rolled with them for a couple of years before leaving.
After I left, I saw some job postings pertaining to here. So I talked to a few recruiters, they liked my credentials, got a few papers to sign, and now I'm here. Quick-and-easy process.
[Person asks, "You get a lot of patients here?"]
Yep. It's the usual stuff, mostly. colds, joint pain, back problems, headaches - that kind of stuff.
The more... serious cases are injuries from traders and caravan guards. Most notably those who survived a bushwhacking from the Fiends. It's never pretty.
[Person asks what you know about the Fiends]
I only know what some of the traders and guards tell me. They're insane and ruthless. Many of them probably turned out that way from developing psychosis through chem abuse. What a depressing path to fall under.
[Person asks if they can acquire your services]
Sorry, but I'm unable to. I'm only allowed to treat my fellow employees. Company policy.[COMBAT LINES][SHOUTING THROUGHOUT]
(Screams of pain and agony)
![Winn Manning](https://ddppjbdexhxzj.cloudfront.net/avatars/microphone17.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)