Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters | Audio Comic (PAID ROLES)
annafaye for Deva Lompop

Deva Lompop was a Shani female bounty hunter, marauder, and mercenary who operated from the time of the High Republic into the Imperial Era. Centuries old, she was highly skilled in her profession, having worked for criminal organizations from the Nihil terrorists to the Hutt Cartel, and was known to consume the bodies of her opponents - dead or alive. Now trying to enjoy retirement, Lompop finds herself once again dragged into the action as Jabba the Hutt calls on her to repay an old debt, sending her on a mission with famed bounty hunter Boba Fett. But Lompop's loyalties may not lie with the Hutts...
Lompop should sound dignified but impatient, extremely confident, and should have a relatively deep voice. She has 83 lines in the first two episodes of the series, with more to come in later episodes. The payment for the first two episodes totals $46.50.
“Are you all dead? If you are, I’m going to Naboo to eat someone tasty. Actually, I might do that anyway.”
“Finally! I would ask what’s going on, but I don’t care. It looks like your pup is getting some chow. What do you want me to do?”
“This is Deva. I have something you might be interested in… but if you want it, you’re going to have to get here before Jabba.”