Are You There God? It's Me, I.P Freely
KrazyKowboi for Office Worker/ Both construction workers
Voice Actor
Office Worker/ Both construction workers
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to:
Since these characters have one line each I would like a voice actor who is able to do multiple accents and throw his voice enough to not seem similar to each role.
(Middle age construction worker, thick new york accent almost cartoonish)
(he's letting his pupil blow something up)
Alright little buddy, how 'bout you push the button
(Young Adult construction worker, not as thick new york accent)
(regal in tone)
I would be honored
(young adult office worker, no accent)
(he's numb to the pain of working his dead end job for a millenium)
Well would you look at that another printer jam

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