Are You There God? It's Me, I.P Freely
vivianreed for Sal the Human

Sal goes by they/them. They are the human that Jean is assigned to help but very much does not want to be helped.
They're just as headstrong as Jean but their stubbornness takes a front seat for a majority of the film. They are usually very laid back but Sal doesn't like to be told what to do. Once they see the consequences of their actions their heart softens up.
Yeah we just got a complaint about food poisoning and we traced it back to your establishment, we just want to make sure your refrigerator is running( in the most serious business tone)
Well you better go catch it BAHAHAHA (laughter bubbling up before you completely break character)
(Your phones been stolen)
Give that back! I need it!
(sudden realization that you just ruined some random guys life)
I... I did that..