five nights at spongebob's 2 remastered
JJGoldFalcon for phoneguy

he is the phoneguy :o
hello- hello hello? oh good your there so anyways i suppose the owner told you i was gunna call you right?
ok anyways the owner gave me a welcome letter im supposed to read to you, welcome to the new and improved spongebob's party place
were kids can play,run around,eat pizza,and watch our characters. your job here is to watch over the place and make sure robber
dont break in or nothing gets damaged. we hoop you have a great time for the weeks your gunna be here so bye, - owner. ok now i
dont know if allowed to tell you this but characters here move around during the night , so im gunna tell you how to defend your
self just ... dont tell the owner i told you this ok? you might see to 2 doors on the side of your office, if you use the light
and you see one of them there close the door untill they leave, but you might of noticed the right door doesnt have a light,
thats because of that light hasnt been working so istead your gunna have to check the right hall cams to see who's there. infront
of you is a GIANT hall, use your light to see if anyone's there, if someone's there just dont freaak out just ingore them, if
they come into your office use the spongebob mask we gave you. anyways i think thats all i need to tell you, bye and plz dont
tell the owner what i told you.